Your #1 Source For High-End Stage Lighting!

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Light Packages

  1. $799.99
    Hurricane Haze 2D is a water-based haze machine with continuous output and a digital display to set DMX and stand alone functions with ease. It features adjustable blower output speeds and nozzle to get the haze where you need it.
  2. $1,039.99
    Chauvet DJ Hurricane Haze 2D Haze Machine & 4 Gallons of Hazer Fluid Bundle Hurricane Haze 2D is a water-based haze machine with continuous output & a digital display to set DMX & stand alone functions with ease. It features adjustable blower output speeds & nozzle to get the haze where you need it.
  3. $551.99
    Geyser T6 brings a burst of lighting energy to your events with a pyrotechnic-like effect
  4. $135.99
    (2) Chauvet DJ Hurricane 700 Fog Machines
  5. $839.99
    Chauvet DJ Geyser P5 LED Fog Machine with Quick Dissipating Fog Fluid and Rolly Carry Case Package
  6. $1,899.99
    (2) Chauvet DJ Geyser P5 LED Fog Machines with Quick Dissipating Fog Fluid and Padded Carry Cases Package
  7. $659.99
    Chauvet DJ Hurricane 1800 Flex DMX Controllable Fog Machine with Variety Fog Juice Package
  8. $459.99
    Geyser T6 brings a burst of lighting energy to your events with a pyrotechnic-like effect. Geyser T6 illuminates bursts of water-based fog with 6 tri-color (RGB) LEDs. Its advanced fluid sensor with automatic shut off protects the pump from overheating.Compact and lightweight, Geyser T6 is perfect for mobile applications.

Chicago land area's #1 source of pro lighting, and trussing. Authorized dealer; products are backed with full warranties.

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