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  1. Manufacturer: Eliminatrix

Complete Light Packs

  1. $4,499.99
    Eliminatrix trusst Facade Pack 2 is a 10 x 10 triangular truss providing the perfect location to mount lights and hang backdrops such as the popular professional presentation.It assembles in minutes using numbered sections.
  2. $2,699.99
    This feature-packed Intimidator Spot LED 250 is a 50-watt LED moving head spot showcases a three-facet prism that splits the beam for great effects and to cover a larger area.
  3. $4,499.99
    Eliminatrix trusst Facade Pack 3 is a 10 x 10 triangular truss providing the perfect location to mount lights and hang backdrops such as the popular professional presentation.

Chicago land area's #1 source of pro lighting, and trussing. Authorized dealer; products are backed with full warranties.

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