Your #1 Source For High-End Stage Lighting!

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  1. $49.99
    Great for entertainment applications, parties, and events!
  2. $339.99
    Scorpion Dual provides you with dual FAT BEAM aerial effect laser, perfect for events with fog or haze. The unique dual mirror output makes a great centerpiece or side accent in pairs and includes 32 built-in patterns, including the popular “Laser Sky” effect.
  3. $559.99
    Chauvet DJ Scorpion Storm RGBY : The Chauvet Scorpion Storm RGBY is a compact quad-color laser effect that adds the dynamic energy of yellow beams to its red, green, and blue patterns to generate new dimensions of laser excitement.
  4. $559.99
    Chauvet DJ Scorpion Storm RGBY : The Chauvet Scorpion Storm RGBY is a compact quad-color laser effect that adds the dynamic energy of yellow beams to its red, green, and blue patterns to generate new dimensions of laser excitement.
  5. $619.99
    Let your lighting creativity run wild with Scorpion Dual RGB ILS, a Dual RGB FAT BEAM™ aerial effect laser that generates customized and ever-changing laser shows using programmable pan, tilt, and zoom effects with separate X, Y, and Z rolling effects and scan speed adjustment.
  6. $399.99
    ADJ Galaxian 3D MKII features New Case design, New Dynamic Programs and New effect. One 30mW Green and on 80mW Red laser beams that rotate back and forth creating amazing aerial effects on a ceiling or wall or projected over a crowd.

Chicago land area's #1 source of pro lighting, and trussing. Authorized dealer; products are backed with full warranties.

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